Want to Learn How to Best Execute Ice Breakers at Events? Here’s 5 AHAs from Judy Baker and Friends
By : Aha-admin -
This week’s five AHAs are from the AHAbook™ ConnectAbilities. Please share this URL “aha.pub/ConnectAbilities” in your social media status update to let your friends know about it.
We have all attended dreadful networking events with the goal of collecting a bunch of business cards from people you never will see again. What if it could be different? What if it’s a great way to really connect with other individuals and get a better understanding of who they are and what they do? It’s time to ditch the pitch. It’s time to get people to reveal themselves in an authentic way and make the most of it.
Judy Baker and her friends crowd sourced this AHAbook comprising 140 questions or quotes called AHAmessages that will ignite conversations and curiosity. Judy, who attributes her love of colours to her mother and her love of books to her father, is dedicated to inspiring authors and entrepreneurs with passion and power to take action, embracing experimentation, creativity, curiosity, and communication to express purpose.
The book is a quick read as it’s a compilation of 140 actionable quotes. Here are five AHAmessages. Why don’t you go directly to the AHAbook and share more of them on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or G+:
- Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love. -Mother Teresa via @creative1_jmb [click to tweet]
- To be yourself in a world trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. -Ralph Waldo Emerson via @creative1_jmb [click to tweet]
- If you understand each other, you will be kind to each other. Knowing a man well never leads to hate. -John Steinbeck [click to tweet]
- Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius & it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring. -Marilyn Monroe @creative1_jmb [click to tweet]
- Great icebreaker. I am committed to having fun every day. What is your go-to way to have fun? @creative1_jmb [click to tweet]
ConnectAbilities is part of the THiNKaha series, whose slim and handy books contain 140 well-thought-out AHAmessages. Increase your online influence by picking up AHAthat and easily share quotes from this book on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+. (Start sharing great quotes along with other amazing AHAleaders at a click of a button. AHAthat gives you access to great content for FREE within seconds.)
To see how to read and share AHAmessages from this book, you may check out this video: https://youtu.be/kajNOVo9cLo. To see how to automatically share via the AHAblaster, please watch https://youtu.be/0DwGig-B3MI.
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