This week's five AHAs are from the AHAbook™ BEing Seen and BEing Heard as a Thought Leader. Please share this URL "aha.pub/ThoughtLeadership" in your social media status update to let your friends know about it.
The Kindle version of this book can be downloaded for FREE this Thursday and Friday, March 15th-19th! Get your FREE copy here: http://getbook.at/ThoughtLeadership
BEing Seen and BEing Heard as a Thought Leader is what individuals and businesses need to do to survive the transition from the industrial age to the social age… and not just survive, but succeed with a vengeance.
Here are some of the AHAmessages™ below, and then read and share the entire book via AHAthat on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or G+:
- Good #ThoughtLeaders are at the top of the mountain; great thought leaders are at the bottom, helping others climb up. @GuideToSoul [click to tweet]
- Be you, and the right person will see you, trust you, and show up to work with you. http://aha.pub/TEDtalk @MonkMedium [click to tweet]
- Social media is two words: "Social" and "Media." When deploying social media, 80% of what you focus on should be social. @HappyAbout [click to tweet]
- Give yourself permission to step into your dreams and take action, because until you take action, you're just dreaming. @TeresaDee [click to tweet]
- The world will shift; there are orgs that won't stay on top, and disappear. Are you on top of things? http://aha.pub/EranLevy [click to tweet]
To see and learn how to automatically share AHAmessages from this book, you may check out this video: https://youtu.be/h_3qFIqFcJU. To learn how to automatically share via AHAblaster, please watch: https://youtu.be/_YbEP4xhjYY.
BEing Seen and BEing Heard as a Thought Leader is available via AHAthat. You can see all 140 AHAs and share one or more of them socially at BEing Seen and BEing Heard as a Thought Leader. (Start sharing great quotes along with other amazing AHAleaders at a click of a button. AHAthat gives you access to great content for free within seconds!)
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