This week's five AHAs are from the AHAbook™ Go Ahead, Start A Movement. Please share this URL "aha.pub/StartAMovement" in your social media status update to let your friends know about it.
The Kindle version of this book can be downloaded for FREE this March 15th-19th! Get your FREE copy here: http://getbook.at/StartAMovement. Go ahead, start a movement!
For nearly fifteen years, Joseph Ranseth (@JosephRanseth) has been helping people transform their lives and organizations using the blueprint and principles that transformational leaders such as Gandhi and Dr. King used to change the world.
Go Ahead, Start A Movement is based on the Take Your Message to the World™ framework developed by Joseph Ranseth and used by his clients around the world. Take your time with the material in this book. Reflect on it and allow yourself to open up to a greater degree of impact that you know you were put here to have.
Here are some of the AHAmessages™ below, and then read and share the entire book via AHAthat on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or G+:
- The world doesn't need another unique selling proposition. It needs Big Ideas that inspire the world to be a better place. @JosephRanseth [click to tweet]
- We don't create impact by making ourselves significant; we become significant because of the impact we make on others. @JosephRanseth [click to tweet]
- Transforming your own adversity into something beautiful elevates the consciousness of the planet. @JosephRanseth [click to tweet]
- What if this very moment was exactly why you were alive? What would you do with it? @JosephRanseth [click to tweet]
- When people see a picture of Martin Luther King Jr., they think: "I have a dream." What do they think of when they see you? @JosephRanseth [click to tweet]
To see and learn how to automatically share AHAmessages from this book, you may check out this video: https://youtu.be/RA57Q-DRuUo. To learn how to automatically share via AHAblaster, please watch: https://youtu.be/P0bCOd_jRbg.
Go Ahead, Start A Movement is available via AHAthat. You can see all 140 AHAs and share one or more of them socially at Go Ahead, Start A Movement. (Start sharing great quotes along with other amazing AHAleaders at a click of a button. AHAthat gives you access to great content for free within seconds!)
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