
Have Your Book Ghostwritten, Become an Amazon Bestselling Author,
and The Recognized Expert in Your Space.

Let us Write, Publish, and Make You an Amazon Bestselling Author in 6 Months.

This makes sense for you if you are a busy, successful professional that wants more credibility through a book, but have no time. Imagine four months from today being an Amazon bestselling author where we have written, published, distributed, and driven an Amazon bestseller campaign while you have spent less than ten hours.


C. Lee Smith

Steve Rodgers

Marki Lemons Ryhal

Writing Process


After your 3- hour interview, THiNKaha will work on pulling out content from that interview. This is something you don’t have to worry about.


Step 1: Share ideas so we can create the AHAbook cover. Let us know what color, images you want to have on your cover. If you need to search for images, please go to,, and and let us know if you have an image you would like to use.
=> If you prefer to create your own cover, click here for the specifications.
Step 2: Submit your headshot (NOTE: min size: 1000x1000px).
Step 3: Review, edit and approve the copyedited AHAmessages, metadata & cover
Step 4: After we send the book to the printer, we will introduce you to our audio person to record your audiobook.


Step 1: Click the to see our DIY marketing checklist of things you can do to market your AHAbook.
Step 2: AHAthat will provide you an AHAkey that you can use to automatically share your entire AHAbook on twitter. #Powerful. Go to and click on the “?” to watch this video to learn more.
Step 3: Check this flyer for post proof approval marketing.
For those wanting more help, AHAthat has a marketing package for you: We can also help you become an Amazon Bestseller: Touch your prospects visually and kinesthetically with video summaries of your book sections: Let your audience hear your thought leadership:

Explore More

Learn More
View an example book.
View the AHAthat Business Model
Sit with Global Credibility Expert Mitchell Levy to create your Title and TOC

Want to learn more?
Want to see if this makes sense for you?
Want an AHA moment?
Set up a strategy session with Mitchell Levy, Global Credibility Expert:

Want to write your own book? Click here.

Creating an Anthology Book to Make Money and Friends:
We are currently offering a service for podcasters to create a THiNKaha book based on past episodes: